
Wednesday, November 18

Relative Clauses. The Basics

Tuesday, November 3

Irregular verbs


Hello everyone and thanks for visiting the blog again. Today I bring a list with the most relevant irregular verbs in English.
The first one is the typical list in alphabetical order, whereas the second aims at grouping them according to some similarities they show despite their irregular condition. 
I sincerely hope they are useful.

Wednesday, March 25

ESO 1. -ED Pronunciation

Today I bring a proposal to practise your pronunciation. The funniest moments in our lessons are when we practise pronunciation and I give you some tips to produce sounds.
As we are studying the verbs in the past, this is the perfect ocassion to learn how to pronounce regular verbs, as all of them end in  - ED, and this can sometimes be a bit confusing. This video uses the same structure, so my recommendation is that you follow the instructions all the time.
There is no need to do any further written exercises, you only listen, imitate and practise the sounds... and try to have fun!

BAT 2. Dossier 3 (answers)

Hello my dear students.
As you can see and experience the platform AULES is not fully operational yet, that's why all the documents and information are being published here in the blog and in the Telegram informative channel for English 2nd Batxillerat at IES Moixent (
Today, I bring you the solutions to the reading comprehension activities for the first text included in the dossier for this 3rd term.
Check your answers and do not hesitate to contact in case you have any doubts.

Tuesday, March 24

ESO 1. Grammar & video listening

Hello my dear students.
I sincerely hope you are doing fine these days.
In case you have already done the previous activity (past simple videos) and made the corresponding notes on your notebook, you can now do this interactive worksheet that includes a video and some past simple questions. When you do it, you will have to write the answers on your notebook with the corresponding date 📆.
To check that the activity is done, send a photo of your notebook to the address

Monday, March 23

ESO 1. Past Simple videos.

Hello my dear students.
A new week, a complete week ahead of us and many challenges in front of us. Let's face them with the best attitude. 👊
To start with, I suggest you watch these three videos. They are for beginners and a good way to get in touch with past simple. If necessary, watch them more than once, and of course, make the necessary notes on your notebooks.
On Wednesday 25th, you will have exercises connected with the contents on the videos.

▶️ Action ▶️

Sunday, March 22


With the aim of helping with a constant and useful information flow, two new channels have been created on TELEGRAM.
Join the one corresponding to your course to stay tuned with the latest news, activites, videoconferences, AULES...

👉1st ESO

👉2nd BAT

I hope you find these new channels helpful and useful, though you still have the possibility to keep in touch through the comments on the blog, and my email address.

Saturday, March 21


Hello my dear students.
As AULES is not operational yet, and it is expected to be like that for a while, here I bring you some sentences which you have to rephrase.
Remember that you have to keep the original meaning, but in this case you have to put into practise the grammar that we are dealing with in this unit, modal verbs and modal perfects.
It’s possible that Jane will visit Switzerland next year.
Jane may /might / could visit Switzerland next year.

Send your solutions in a comment clicking on this link indicating your name, so I can reply it.
The solutions with some explanations will be published next Monday before 10am on this same post.

Modals 1
Re-write the sentences so that they have the same meaning as the original. You must use a modal verb.
1- I'm sure John locked the office before leaving. He always does.
John must have locked the office before leaving.
A modal perfect is needed here,as this sentence is referring to the past (locked). It expresses positive certainty. Positive certainty in the past = MUST HAVE
2- If I were you I would tell him the truth.
You should tell him the truth.
You ought to tell him the truth.
You'd better tell him the truth.

Recommendation / advice in the present. These are the three forms that are used to express that meaning. 
3- It isn't necessary for her to phone me back.
She needn't phone me back.
She doesn't have to phone me back.
She doesn't need to phone me back.

Lack of necessity in the present. These are the three forms you can use to express that meaning. 
4- Ann finished the project on her own although it wasn't necessary to do so.
Ann needn't have finished the project on her own.
Again, lack of necessity, but this time in the past. That's why we use here the modal perfect form. In this case , Ann did the thing, but there was not a real need.
5- It was a mistake to sell the house. I wish I hadn't.
I shouldn't have sold the house.
Regret. These meanings always refer to the past, so we use a modal perfect form = SHOULD (NOT) HAVE 
6- Perhaps we'll go swimming tomorrow.
We may go swimming tomorrow.
We might go swimming tomorrow.

We could go swimming tomorrow.
Possibility / Probability in the present / future. We can use three different modals for this meaning without changes in the meaning: may / might / could. 
7- I think Mary is probably at home because the windows are open.
Mary must be at home because the windows are open.
Positive certainty in the  present. We have some evidence which indicates that something is true (the windows are open). For this meaning, we use MUST.
8- Perhaps John knew about the trip, but I'm not sure.
John might have known about the trip.
John may have known about the trip.
John could have known about the trip
Possibility / probability in the past. Modal perfect form required here = MAY / MIGHT / COULD HAVE 
9- I'm sure he didn't lock the door. He never does.
He can't have locked the door.
Negative certainty in the past. Modal perfect form required here. We are sure that something did not happen = CAN'T HAVE 
10-Perhaps she was at work when the earthquake struck.  
She may have been at work when the earthquake struck.
She could have been at work when the earthquake struck.
She might have been at work when the earthquake struck.

Possibility / probability in the past. Modal perfect form required here = MAY / MIGHT / COULD HAVE  


Friday, March 20

ESO 1. Reading. At the Swimming Pool

Hello my dear students.

AULES is not operational yet, so here you have a reading activity to practise some vocabulary.
1- Click on the following link: 👇
2- Read the poster.
3- Do the "grouping exercise"
4- Do the "True or False" exercise.
5- Write the solutions of the exercises on your notebook. 
6- Write a comment on this post with the following format:
 - Your name
- Your group
- The solutions to the exercises


Tuesday, March 17

ESO 1. Past Simple with irregular verbs

Hello my dear students! The AULES platform is not operational at the moment, so try to download this worksheet to practise your irregular verbs.
You have the possibility to do it online and then write a comment with your name and the results in the comments section
In case you have problems writing a comment, you can send it to me to the address
Also, you will have to write the solutions on your notebook.
Have fun!


Saturday, March 14

ESO 1 - BAT 2. Comunicació

Benvolgut alumnat i famílies:
Com podreu observar, per primera vegada escric a aquest blog en Valencià perquè tot el relacionat amb aquesta situació quede ben clar.
Per instruccions de Conselleria, qualsevol mitjà serà vàlid per a comunicar-nos al llarg d'aquest temps en què no hi haurà classes presencials. Per tant, els comentaris d'aquest blog queden oberts en aquesta entrada i les successives que es vagen publicant. Una vegada envieu els comentaris s'aniran responent en ser llegits.
A més, podeu enviar missatges via correu electrònic a l'adreça des d'on també es respondran tots els dubtes que puguen sorgir. Els missatges es poden enviar des de qualsevol servidor de correu electrònic (hotmail, gmail, yahoo...).
Per últim, tots els materials per descarregar, consultar o estudiar i les tasques que s'hagen de lliurar seran mitjançant la plataforma Aules. L'accés per primera vegada és molt senzill, sempre que comptem amb la informació necessària:
Usuari /Usuària: NIA (número d'identificació de l'alumne). El podreu trobar junt al vostre nom a l'últim butlletí de notes que se vos va lliurar, per exemple. 
Contrasenya: Les tres primeres lletres del primer cognom, seguit de la data de naixement en format DDMMAA. Per exemple, una alumna anomenada Aina Deltell que naixé el 25 d'Agost de 2006 tindria com a contrasenya 'del250806'.
Dit açò, no dubteu en contactar en cas d'haver cap dubte en l'accés a qualsevol tipus de material o plataforma. Cuideu-vos molt i ens vegem ben prompte.