
Monday, February 29

Bat 1. Reported Speech

Let's start with some theory on the topic, followed by very basic sentences to practice and have a general overview of this topic.

Now, some more practice on reported speech:

Further practice: Reported to direct & Direct to reported. Also, you can report what stated in a common conversation:

Finally, the best way to practice reported speech is by listening to what other people say and then, tell it using your own words, but of course, respecting the necessary tense, place or time changes. Famous people have a lot to say, but sometimes they are not too clever. Check what I mean in this worksheet:

Wednesday, February 10

Bat 1. Relative Clauses

Slide presentation with the basic aspects which feature Relative Clauses in English:

Or do you prefer it in a shorter and more condensed way?

Time to practice and review what has been worked in class: