
Tuesday, March 8

Unit to work on quantifiers. ESO 1

Here you have some links to practice on quantifiers which I think will be extremely useful for you to prepare next U6 test. If any problems arise you can also download the document I prepared for you in order to have a clearer explanation on how all these elements work.
I know second term is a hard one, that's why I really appreciate the efforts you are taking to improve your English learning. Thanks for your interest and collaboration!

Notes on quantifiers:


  1. Ximo Gallego
    I completed the first link of the exercicies in a/an, some or any.

  2. Well done Ximo!! I hope these exercises help you consolidate the contents seen in class through this last unit. Keep on working!

  3. Ximo Gallego
    I got a six in the exercicies.
